Over the last decade or two, it’s become abundantly evident that maintaining a diary for journaling is useful. It has been demonstrated in studies to have a good influence on happiness, goal attainment, and even physical health. Writing down things you’re grateful for every day has been proved to be very beneficial. When I work with dancers, I always advise them to keep a notebook. Because pre-professional training and professional dancing careers can be stressful, dancers tend to perceive significant advantages. You’re in a competitive setting with a lot of other dancers seeking for the same spot or employment. There’s even greater pressure if you’ve set your sights on a certain training programme or firm. ALSO REDA: BENEFITS OF CONTEMPORARY DANCING


There’s a lot to take in, and dancers’ inner critics are very busy. It’s difficult to get a break from that tiny voice in your brain telling you all the things that are wrong with you. Writing can assist you in changing your internal storey. Even when we journal simply for ourselves, we may feel pressured to be a perfect version of ourselves. Allow it to be authentic, raw, and dirty. It’s just for you, so go ahead and let it all hang out!


Here are some helpful hints for developing a regular journaling habit:

  1. Begin small. It only takes a few minutes every day.

We place high expectations on ourselves, which contributes to the difficulty of starting something new. We believe that if I don’t write for 30 minutes every day, it doesn’t “count” or “isn’t worthwhile.” Remove those self-imposed “success” criteria and consider yourself a winner if you only do a little (this applies to many areas of life).


  1. Integrate the new habit into an old one.


Do you have a morning ritual that you stick to? Pick a time to include writing into your daily routine. It’s lot simpler to start and maintain a new habit when it’s incorporated into something you already do on a regular basis.


  1. Don’t put any pressure on yourself; it’s okay if it’s ugly.


This isn’t for the benefit of anyone else’s eyes but your own. You don’t have to present yourself as a “perfect” version of yourself. In your writing, be honest. It will almost certainly assist you in presenting yourself more truthfully in other aspects of your life as well.


  1. If you’re at a loss for what to write about, write about what you’re grateful for.


“Research shows that practising thankful thinking on a daily basis may shift your emotional’set point’ for happiness by as much as 25% in the correct way.” Writing down what you’re grateful for (and, for dancers, why you’re glad for your body in particular) might help you feel happier.




  1. Begin with a pal.

Do you have a friend that enjoys journaling as much as you do? Set up a system to hold each other responsible (e.g., text or call each other every day to check that you’ve journaled).




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