It’s uncommon to have complete confidence in your position in this profession, especially when you’re getting conflicting signals. Even when it is meant to be optimistic, the comments we hear can be perplexing. ALSO READ : BENEFITS OF CONTEMPORARY DANCE.

Transform your mindset around disappointment.

You could be returning to a more “regular” dance atmosphere in the coming months. You’ll be back in class, auditioning, rehearsing, or casting scenarios that have previously freaked you out. Here are some tips to help you change your mindset and feel more balanced and optimistic along the road. One of the most important strategies for change is to pay attention to one’s mentality.

  • It will come to you what is meant for you. This may be difficult in the short term, but strive to believe that something better is on the way. You’re not obtaining the job you desire, but an alternative one could provide more opportunities for advancement.
  • Begin by expressing thanks. How are things going for you? What blessings and experiences do you have that you can recognise on a daily basis to feel more complete?
  • Keep track of what you can manage. You don’t get to choose the roles you’ll perform in. You do have control over how you present yourself at rehearsals and what sort of work ethic you employ.
  • Commit to finding methods to show up and be happy in even the most difficult dance situations.



Develop unwavering body confidence for dancing.

“A feeling of self-assurance stemming from one’s assessment of one’s own strengths or traits,” says the dictionary. Keep an eye on what you’re interpreting. Do you always make it about your body when something bad happens (you don’t get the job, position, etc.)? If you battle with body confidence, it’s extremely likely that you blame your body when things go “wrong.”

You can’t blame your body for allowing you to dance in the first place. You’d be losing out on all the fun of dancing if you didn’t have it. One of the most important transformational tools is unwavering an optimistic approach and  body confidence.


Make self-care a priority with an optimistic approach

You could assume I’m speaking in a monotone. It’s just a strong belief of mine (and one that the dancers I work with confirm time and time again) that taking care of oneself develops self-love.

Here are some simple self-care techniques to consider:

  • Maintain good sleep habits by engaging in restful and relaxing activities in the morning and evening. This may include putting your phone away at a certain time each night and promising not to touch it for the first few hours of the day.
  • Consume a sufficient amount of food on a regular basis. Make the necessary preparations to have a variety of meal and snack alternatives on hand, especially when things get hectic.
  • Make your house aesthetically pleasant, tranquil, and comfortable. Diffusing essential oils, introducing plants into your house, and opening windows to let fresh air in are all ways to do this.

Self-care also involves the fundamentals, such as taking a break when you need it, relaxing on the sofa guilt-free, waking up, getting dressed, cleaning your teeth, and feeling your emotions.



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